The college has 63 full-time teachers, among them, there are three experts from Guizhou province, three experts who enjoy the subsidy from the State Council and the provincial government, one outstanding young talent from the Ministry of Education in the new century, two members of the teaching steering committee of the Ministry of Education, four talents from the central organization department and the light of the west of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, three outstanding teacher awards from Baosteel, two“Jinshi” from Guizhou province, and one“Famous teacher in teaching”, there are two“Excellent communist party members” in the Higher Education Work Committee of Guizhou province, three“Hundred” level talents in Guizhou province, five“Thousand” level talents in science and technology, and three“Thousand” level talents, there are two provincial teams of innovative talents in astronomy and photon technology. The teacher has won the first prize in the 3rd teacher teaching innovation competition in Guizhou Province, the 3rd prize in the national teaching competition for young teachers of basic physics courses in colleges and universities, and the 1st prize in Southwest China.