Peng Qiong

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-09-01Number of visits:13

Name: Peng Qiong           

Title: Associate Professor

Office: Boxuelou Building



Research Areas: First-Principles   Calculations, Machine Learning, Theoretical Design of Energy   Storage/Catalytic Materials

Recruitment Field: Condensed Matter   Physics

Personal Profile

Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, College of Physics, Guizhou University


Academic Experience

Jan 2023 - Present: Associate Professor, College of Physics, Guizhou University

Sep 2020 - Dec 2022: Lecturer, College of Physics, Guizhou University

Sep 2017 - Jun 2020: PhD, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, supervised by Prof. Zhimei Sun

Sep 2014 - Jul 2017: Master, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, supervised by Prof. Bo Wu

Sep 2010 - Jul 2014: Bachelor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, supervised by Prof. Bo Wu


Academic Achievements

Hosted Research Projects:

(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China - Youth Project, Project Title: Efficient Nitrogen Fixation Mechanism of MXene Quantum Dots and Single-Cluster Catalysts, Project Approval Number: 52101010, Duration: Jan 2022 - Dec 2024.

(2) Guizhou University Natural Science Special (Special Post) Research Fund, Project Title: Structural Effects and Electrocatalytic Mechanism of d-Orbital Metal Carbides, Contract Number: GuiDaTeGangHeZi (2020) No. 20, Duration: Nov 2020 - Oct 2023 (Completed).


Representative Works

(1) Pengfei Shu, Qiong Peng*, Tingting Luo, Junfei Ding, Xiu Gong, Jian Zhou, Yadong Yu, Xiaosi Qi* and Zhimei Sun*, Bidirectional electron transfer boosts Li-CO2 electrochemistry. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2024, 12, 6515-6526.

(2) Yingqi Liu, Pengfei Shu, Mengtian Zhang, Biao Chen, Yanze Song, Bingyi Lu, Rui Mao, Qiong Peng*, Guangmin Zhou*, and Hui-Ming Cheng*, Uncovering the geometry activity of spinel oxides in Li-CO2 battery reactions. ACS Energy Letters, 2024, 9, 2173−2181.

(3) Rui Mao, Yingqi Liu, Pengfei Shu, Bingyi Lu, Biao Chen, Yanli Chen, Yanze Song, Yeyang Jia, Zhiyang Zheng, Qiong Peng*, Guangmin Zhou*, Tailoring Li2CO3 configuration and orbital structure of CoS to improve catalytic activity and stability for Li-CO2 batteries. EcoMat,2024, e12449.

(4) Pengfei Shu, Xiaosi Qi, Qiong Peng*, Yanli Chen, Xiu Gong, Yue Zhang, Fangping Ouyang, Zhimei Sun*, Heterogeneous metal trimer catalysts on Mo2TiC2O2 MXene for highly active N2 conversion to NH3. Molecular Catalysis, 2023, 539, 113036.

(5) Qiong Peng, Jian Zhou*, Jiatian Chen, Tian Zhang, Zhimei Sun*. Cu single-atom on Ti2CO2 as highly efficient oxygen reduction catalyst in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7 (45): 26062-26070.

(6) Qiong Peng, Zhenyu Wang, Baisheng Sa*, Bo Wu*, and Zhimei Sun. Blue phosphorene/MS2 (M= Nb, Ta) heterostructures as promising flexible anodes for lithium-ion batteries. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2016, 8(21): 13449-13457.

(7) Qiong Peng, Kangming Hu, Baisheng Sa*, Jian Zhou, Bo Wu*, Xianhua Hou, and Zhimei Sun*. Unexpected elastic isotropy in a black phosphorene/TiC2 van der Waals heterostructure with flexible Li-ion battery anode applications. Nano Research, 2017, 10: 3136-3150.

(8) Qiong Peng, Jian Zhou*, Chen Si, Zhimei Sun*. Flexible quantum spin Hall insulator in O-functionalized GaSe monolayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 788: 1113-1118.

(9) Qiong Peng, Chen Si, Jian Zhou*, Zhimei Sun*. Modulating the Schottky barriers in MoS2/MXenes heterostructures via surface functionalization and electric field. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 480: 199-204.

(10) Qiong Peng, Zhonglu Guo, Baisheng Sa*, Jian Zhou, Zhimei Sun*. New gallium chalcogenides/arsenene van der Waals heterostructures promising for photocatalytic water splitting. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43 (33): 15995-16004.

(11) Qiong Peng, Rui Xiong, Baisheng Sa*, Jian Zhou, Cuilian Wen, Bo Wu*, Masakazu Anpo, and Zhimei Sun*. Computational mining of photocatalysts for water splitting hydrogen production: two-dimensional InSe-family monolayers. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7(13): 2744-2752.

(12) Qiong Peng, Zhenyu Wang, Baisheng Sa*, Bo Wu*, and Zhimei Sun*. Electronic structures and enhanced optical properties of blue phosphorene/transition metal dichalcogenides van der Waals heterostructures. Scientific reports, 2016, 6: 31994.ESI Highly Cited Papers

Version date: September 2024