ZhengWen Long

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-09-01Number of visits:18

Name:ZhengWen Long

Professional Title:Professor

Office:Boxue Building 318-2



Research Area:Quantum Physicsblack hole physicsgravitation theory

Admissions focus:Theoretical physics

Personal Profile

Zheng-Wen Long, Male, Members of Chinese Communist Party, Second-degree Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, Provincial Expert, Recipient of Government Allowance, Outstanding Young Scientific Talent in the Province, and Academic Leader in Disciplines at Guizhou University.


Academic Background

l  September 1984 ——July 1988:         Undergraduate studies in the Department of Mathematics at Southwest Minzu University.

l  September 1996 —— July 1999:        Graduate studies at Beijing University of Technology.

l  July 1999—— Present:                        Teaching in the Department of Physics at the School of Science, Guizhou University.

l  September 2000 ——February 2001:  Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

l  June 2008 —— July 2008:                   Advanced Studies in Science and Innovation Management at Tsinghua University.

l  September 2007 —— June 2008:        Visiting Scholar at Nanjing University.


Academic Achievements

l  Lead 9 research projects, including 6 national-level projects.

l  Receive the Second Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Guizhou Province twice.

l  Earn the Seventh Guizhou Province Youth Science and Technology Award.

l  Win the First Prize for Excellent Natural Science Papers of Guizhou Province.

l  Achieve the First Guizhou Province Youth Innovation Talent Award.


Representative Publications

l  Dong Liu, Yi Yang, Zheng-Wen Long, Probing black holes in a dark matter spike of M87 using quasinormal modes, Eur. Phys. J. C (2024) 84:731;

l  Meng-Yao Zhang, Hao Chen, Hassan Hassanabadi, Zheng-Wen Long, Hui Yang, Thermodynamic topology of Kerr-Sen black holes via Rényi statistics, Phys. Lett. B 856 (2024) 138885;

l  S.R. Wu, B.Q. Wang, Z.W. Long, Hao Chen, Rotating blackholes surrounded by a dark matter halo in the galactic center of M87 and Sgr A, Phys. Dark Univ., 44 (2024) 101455;

l  Dong Liu, Yi Yang, Zhaoyi Xu, Zheng-Wen Long, Modeling the black holes surrounded by a dark matter halo in the galactic center of M87, Eur. Phys. J. C (2024) 84:136;

l  Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Ali Övgün, Gaetano Lambiase, Zheng-Wen Long, Black hole surrounded by the pseudo-isothermal dark matter halo, Eur. Phys. J. C (2024) 84:63;

l  Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Ali Övgün, Gaetano Lambiase and Zheng-Wen Long, Rotating black hole mimicker surrounded by the string cloud, Phys. Rev. D 109, 024002 (2024);

l  Shurui Wu, Bing-Qian Wang, Z.W. Long, Hao Chen, Validity of black hole complementarity in the context of generalized uncertainty principle, Phys. Lett. B 845 (2023) 138133;

l  Meng-Yao Zhang, Hao Chen, Hassan Hassanabadi, Zheng-Wen Long, Hui Yang, Topology of nonlinearly charged black hole chemistry via massive gravity, Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:773;

l  Dong Liu, Yi Yang, Ali Övgün, Zheng-Wen Long, Zhaoyi Xu, Gravitational ringing and superradiant instabilities of the Kerr-like black holes in a dark matter halo, Eur. Phys. J. C, (2023) 83:565;

l  Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Ali Övgün, Zheng-Wen Long and Zhaoyi Xu, Probing hairy black holes caused by gravitational decoupling using quasinormal modes and greybody bounds, Phys. Rev. D 107, 064042 (2023);

l  Meng-Yao Zhang, Hao Chen, Hassan Hassanabadi, Zheng-Wen Long, Hui Yang, Joule-Thomson expansion of charged dilatonic black holes, Chin. Phys. C, Vol. 47, No. 4 (2023) 045101;

l  Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Zhaoyi Xu, Zheng-Wen Long, Ringing and echoes from black bounces surrounded by the string cloud, Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:217;

l  S. R. Wu, B. Q. Wang, Dong Liu, Z. W. Long, Echoes of charged black-bounce spacetimes, Eur. Phys. J. C (2022) 82:998;

l  Hao Chen, Bekir Can Lütfüoglu, Hassan Hassanabadi, Zheng-Wen Long, Thermodynamics of the Reissner-Nordström black hole with quintessence matter on the EGUP framework, Phys. Lett. B 827 (2022) 136994;

l  Dong Liu, Yi Yang, Shurui Wu, Yujia Xing, Zhaoyi Xu and Zheng-Wen Long, Ringing of a black hole in a dark matter halo, Phys. Rev. D 104, 104042 (2021) ;

l  Yi Yang, Dong Liu, Zhaoyi Xu, Yujia Xing, Shurui Wu and Zheng-Wen Long, Echoes of novel black-bounce spacetimes, Phys. Rev. D 104, 104021 (2021).

Version date: September 2024