Xu Jing

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-09-01Number of visits:15

Name:  Xu Jing

Title:   Associate Professor

Office:   Boxue Building 429-2


Email:   jxu7@gzu.edu.cn

Research Areas: Nanophotonics, Microwave   Photonics Technology and Applications

Recruitment   Field: Optics


Personal Profile

Jing Xu received her PhD in electronic science and technology from Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2019. Currently, she is an associate professor and a master supervisor at the School of Physics, Guizhou University, China. Her research activities focus on the design and research of nanophotonic structures and integrated optoelectronic devices, as well as the research in microwave photonics technology and its applications.


Academic Background

  • November 2019 - Present: College of Physics, Guizhou      University

  • September 2013 - June 2019

    • Degree: Ph.D.

    • University: Huazhong University of Science and Technology

    • Department: Wuhan National Laboratory for       Optoelectronics

  • September 2010 - June 2013

    • Degree: Master’s

    • University: Guizhou University

    • Department: School of Computer Science and       Technology

  • September 2005 - June 2009

    • Degree: Bachelor’s

    • University: Wuhan University of Technology

    • Department: School of Science


Academic Achievements

  • Published over 20 papers indexed by SCI and EI, with      6 as the first author or corresponding author.

  • In the past five years, received one National      Natural Science Foundation of China (Principal Investigator, ongoing) and      one Guizhou Provincial Basic Research Program (Principal Investigator,      ongoing).


Representative works

[1] Zhang Qing, Jiang Yang, Xu Jing, et al. Photonic envelope convolver based on time-domain convolution method. Optics Communications, 2024: 130719.

[2] Chen Xiangping, Jiang Yang, Yu Qing, Xu Jing, et al. All-optical microwave waveform transformation based on photonic temporal processors. Optics Express, 2022, 30(7): 10428-10442.

[3] Yu Qing, Jiang Yang, Chen Xiangping, Xu Jing, et al. Tunable all-optical microwave signal generation based on period-one dynamics of an external optically injected distributed-feedback laser diode and feedback oscillation. Optical Engineering, 2022, 61(5), 056103-056103.

[4] Xu Jing, Zhao Yanli, Wen Ke, and Tu Junjie. Ultracompact optical hybrid based on standing wave integrated with graphene-based photodetector for coherent detection. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(6): 1-12.

[5] Wen Ke, Zhao Yanli, Xu Jing, Tu Junjie and Li Yuan, A coherent receiver based on SIM for quantum communication. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 2018, 30(1): 27-30.

[6] Xu Jing, Jin Xin, and Zhao Yanli. Apodized fully-etched surface grating coupler using subwavelength structure for standard silicon-on-insulator waveguide. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2017, 49(4):158.

[7] Xu Jing, Zhang Ji, and Zhao Yanli. Silicon based polarization sensitive filters for WDM-PDM demultiplexing. Asia Communications and Photonics Conference. Optical Society of America, 2016: AF2A. 21.

[8] Xu Jing, Zhao Yanli, Wen Ke, and Tu Junjie. Miniaturized Polarization Splitter Monolithically Integrated With Photodetector. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(21): 2411-2414.

Version date: September 2024