Tian Jing

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-09-01Number of visits:16


Name:Tian Jing


Office:   429-2 Boxue Building


Email:jtian1@gzu.edu.cn   or 416197193@qq.com

Research   field: Fiber optic sensing technology, and laser underwater   target detection and recognition technology

Enrollment   direction: Optics

Personal Profile

 Tian Jing, female, born in Ankang city, Shaanxi province, she obtained her Ph.D degree from the School of Marine Science and Technology at Northwestern Polytechnical University in July 2014. In September 2014, she joined the School of Science at Guizhou University, where she currently serves as a professor and master's supervisor in the School of Physics. Her research mainly focuses on optical sensing technology, laser-based underwater target detection, and recognition technology.

Academic Experience

2008-2011: School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, research focused on fiber Bragg grating sensing technology.

2010-2014: School of Marine Science and Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, research focused on laser underwater target detection and recognition technology.

2014-2017: Lecturer, School of Science, Guizhou University, research focused on laser underwater target detection and recognition technology.

2017-2021: Associate Professor, School of Physics, Guizhou University, research focused on fiber laser sensing technology.

December 2022 - December 2023: Visiting Scholar at Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies (AIPT), UK, research focused on tilted fiber Bragg grating sensing technology and fiber lasers.

2021-Present: Professor, School of Physics, Guizhou University, research focused on optical sensing technology, laser underwater target detection and recognition technology.

Academic Achievements

Published over 40 papers in renowned domestic and international journals, including more than 30 SCI papers. In recent years, as the first author or corresponding author, published multiple academic papers in high-level journals such as Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Express, and Acta Physica Sinica. Filed and published several national patents. Led 2 national-level research projects and 3 provincial or ministerial-level research projects. Participated in 2 national research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation's key R&D projects, and 3 provincial or ministerial-level research projects. Led 3 teaching reform projects and participated in 2 teaching reform projects. Contributed to the textbook Physics. Received the Second Prize for Teaching Achievement in Guizhou Province and was invited to the top global education conference “Going Global 2023” held in Edinburgh, UK. Served as a reviewer for several domestic and international academic journals, including Photonics Research, Optics Express, Scientific Reports, Acta Optica Sinica, and Chinese Laser. Acted as a communication review expert for the National Natural Science Foundation and a thesis review expert for the Degree Committee of the Ministry of Education. Honors received include Guizhou University’s “May 1st Women’s Model”, “Outstanding Communist Party Member”, and being rated “Excellent” for three consecutive years (2018, 2019, 2020) in annual evaluations at Guizhou University. Guided students to win the second prize in the National College Student Optoelectronics Competition.

Research Projects/Collaborations:

(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China-Emergency Management Project: “Research on Laser Polarization Detection Methods of Bubbles”, Principal Investigator, completed. Project Start Date: 2017.

(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China-Youth Fund: “Research on Detection and Tracking Methods of Bubbles Based on Stokes Characteristics”, Principal Investigator, completed. Project Start Date: 2018.

(3) Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Cooperation Plan Project: “Application Research of Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensors in Bridge Safety Monitoring”, Principal Investigator, completed. Project Start Date: 2016.

(4) Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Basic Research Project: “Research on Fiber Distributed Intelligent Sensing Technology Based on Brillouin Scattering”, Principal Investigator, completed. Project Start Date: 2019.

(5) Ministry of Education Industry-Academia Cooperation Talent Training Project – Optical Sensing Practice Teaching Innovation Practice Base Construction. Funding Agency: Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Principal Investigator, ongoing. Project Start Date: 2021.

(6) National Natural Science Foundation of China-Key Project: “Research on Key Technologies for Time-Frequency Analysis and Processing of Broadband Signals Based on Time-Space Mapping and Lens Fourier Transform”. Participant, Project Start Date: 2018.

(7) National Natural Science Foundation of China-Regional Project: “Metal-Dielectric Composite Holography and Its Application in Surface Plasmonic Device Design”. Participant, Project Start Date: 2017.

Representative Publications

Papers(in recent years)

Jing Tian*, Yi-wu Zuo, kai-ming Zhou, QING yang, Xiao Hu, and Yang Jiang. Low Acoustic Frequency Sensing Based on Ghost Mode of Small Angle Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating[J].Journal of Lightwave Technology,2023,0733-8724:1-6. DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2023.3337127. (SCI Q1)

Zuo Yiwu, Tian Jing*, Yang Qing, Hu Xiao, Jiang Yang. A Low-Frequency Acoustic Sensing Scheme Based on Large-Angle Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Cladding Mode [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2023, 72(12): 170-176. DOI: 10.7498/aps.72.20230067. (SCI)

Jing Tian*,Yiwu Zuo, Meijiang Hou, Yang Jiang. Magnetic field measurement based on a fiber laser oscillation circuit merged with a polarization-maintaining fiber Sagnac interference structure[J].Optics Express,2021,29, 8763-8769. DOI: 10.1364/oe.419306. (SCI Q2)

Mei-jiang Hou,Jing Tian*, Yang Jiang and Yiwu Zuo, A high-stability fiber-laser pressure-sensing system based on unequal-arm Mach-Zehnder cascaded with a Sagnac structure, Optics Express[J],2021,292643454-43463. DOI:10.1364/oe.446820. (SCI Q2)

Jing Tian*, Yi-wu Zuo, and Yang Jiang A fiber laser temperature-sensing system with customizable sensitivity based on beat frequency demodulation method. Twelfth International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics,2021,SPIE Vol. 12057, 120572L.

Tian Jing*, Hou Meijiang, Jiang Yang, Zhang Hongxu, Bai Guangfu, Feng Hao. A High-Sensitivity Fiber Laser Beat Frequency Displacement Sensing Scheme with a Composite Ring Cavity Structure [J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2020, 69(18): 184217. DOI: 10.7498/aps.69.20200385. (SCI)

Jing Tian, Mei-jiang Hou, Yang Jiang, Hao Luo, Chuan-yu Tang. Fiber ring laser cavity for strain sensing via beat frequency demodulation[J],Optics Communications,2020,476126326. DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom. (SCI)


Tian Jing, Hou Meijiang, Zuo Yiwu. A High-Sensitivity Temperature Sensing System Based on Laser Oscillation Loop. Application Number: 202110042355.7.

Tian Jing, Hou Meijiang, Zuo Yiwu. A High-Sensitivity Temperature Sensing System Based on Laser Oscillation Loop. Certificate Number: 13840034, Patent Number: ZL 2021 2 0082 743.3.

Tian Jing, Hou Meijiang, Zuo Yiwu. An All-Fiber Laser Sensing System Based on Mach-Zehnder Structure. Application Number: 202121638953.2.

Tian Jing, Zuo Yiwu, Yang Qing, Hu Xiao. An Acoustic Sensing System Based on Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating. Application Number: CN202211694459.7.

Version date: September 2024