Tang Yanlin

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-09-01Number of visits:14


Name: Tang Yanlin            

Title: Professor

Office: 315-2 Boxue Building



Research   field: Optoelectronics and spectral analysis

Enrollment direction: Optics and photoelectric   materials

Personal Profile

    Tang Yanlin: Male, born in February 1964 in Qiyang County, Hunan Province, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from Hunan Normal University in June 1985 with a Bachelor of Science degree in physics, started to work in July 1985, graduated from Guizhou University in June 1991 with a Master of Science degree in theoretical physics. In June 2004, he graduated from the Institute of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information Technology of Zhejiang University with a doctor's degree in Agronomy. In November 2003, he was promoted to professor. He is Baogang Excellent Teacher and Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents of Guizhou Province. Currently, he is a professor of the School of Physics of Guizhou University, a doctoral supervisor of physical electronics, a master's supervisor of optical and condensed matter physics, a member of the 2018-2022 University Physics Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, a vice chairman of the 11th Guizhou Physics Society, and a member of the cooperation group of the Opto-electronic Education Branch Committee of the Ministry of Education.

Academic Background

He is mainly engaged in the research of optoelectronics, spectroscopy, optical remote sensing and photobiophysics, and has presided over 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation, 1 sub-project of 863, and 7 provincial and ministerial projects.

Academic Achievements

 He has won the second prize and the third prize of Science and Technology Progress of Guizhou Province, published more than 100 research papers in important academic journals at home and abroad, including more than 70 SCI/EI articles, and co-published 2 monographs and 3 textbooks.

 Representative Publications

1. First-principles calculations to investigate Mg3XH8 (X = Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn) materials for hydrogen storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2024; 74: 372–383.

2. First-principles investigations for the structural, optoelectronic and hydrogen storage properties of double perovskite KNaMg2F6-xHx and KNaAe2H6(Ae=Be, Mg, Ca). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2024; 61:13-24.

3. First-principles calculations to investigate structural, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of anti-perovskite compounds X3OI(X=Na, K, Rb). Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2023; 22: 3245-3254.

4. First-principles calculations to investigate elastic properties, chemical bonds, electronic properties, magnetic properties, and phonon spectrum of CuNFe3 and CuNCo3. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2023; 26:1798-1807.

5. An effective strategy of indium half-doping to stabilize the structure and improve optoelectronic characteristics of Tl-Co based double perovskite: First principles study. Results in Physics 2023; 47:106375.

6. First-principles calculations to investigate the structural, electronic and optical properties of lead-free double perovskites Rb2SeI6 and K2SeI6. Solar Energy 2022;231: 236-242.

7. Identification of tea based on CARS-SWR variable optimization of visible/near-infrared spectrum. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 2020; 100: 371-375.

Version date: September 2024