Zhang Liyun

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-08-29Number of visits:23

NameZhang Liyun           


Office1016,Boxue Building



Research AreaStellar activity, Pulsar, Exoplanet

Enrolment DirectionTheoretical and   observational Astrophysics

Personal Profile

Professor, Ph.D. Advisor, Vice Chair, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Guizhou University. Ph.D., Astrophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Group leader, Astrophysics group, Guizhou University. Main research interest: multi-band observational research of stars, Pulsar and Exoplanet. Published over 50 SCI papers


Academic Background

2000.09-2004.06 LiaoCheng University Physics-Undergraduate

2003.09-2008.06 YunNan Observatories, CAS Astrophysics-PHD

2008.07-2014.12 Guizhou University Vice Professor

2015.01- now  Guizhou University Professor

Academic Achievements

Research Projects:

National Natural Science Foundation of China12373032),Precise studies of magnetic activity properties on late-type stars based on LAMOST medium-resolution spectroscopic and TESS photometric surveys2024.01-2027.12

National Natural Science Foundation of China11963002),The study of eclipsing binaries with radio radiations2020.01-2023.12

National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaU1431114):Research on the Flare Events and Stellar Magnetic Activity of Late-type Eclipsing binaries Based on the Optical Telescopes and Survey data 2015.01-2017.12

National Natural Science Foundation of China11263001):Research on the chromospheric activity of the largest late-type stars based on stellar spectral survey of Goushoujing telescope 2013.01-2016.12

National Natural Science Foundation of China10978010):The observation study of stellar magnetic activity with different periods 2010.01-2012.12

Representative Publications

[1.]   Li Baoda., Zhang Liyun*., Yao Jumei*., Yin Dejiang., ….. Qian Lei*., Pan Zhichen*., Timing and Scintillation Studies of Pulsars in Globular Cluster M3 (NGC 5272) with FAST, 2024, ApJ, in press

[2.]   Yin Dejiang., Zhang Liyun*., Qian Lei*., ….. Pan Zhichen*., FAST Discovery of Eight Isolated Millisecond Pulsars in NGC 6517, 2024, ApJL, 969,L7

[3.]   Zhang liyun., Yang Zilu., Su Tianhao., et al., Properties of flare events based on light curves from the TESS survey. II 20 second cadence,2024,A&Ain press

[4.]   Li Wenjie., Zhang liyun., Su Tianhao., et al., Physical parameters and Magnetic activity of M-type Stars based on LAMOST DR9, SDSS and TESS surveys,2024, ApJSaccepted

[5.]   Su Tianhao., Zhang liyun*., et al., Magnetic Activity of Millions of G-type Stars Based on the LAMOST DR10 Low-resolution Spectral and TESS Light-curve Surveys and the Future CSST Survey,2024,ApJS,271,60

[6.]   Wang Yinpeng., Zhang liyun*., et al., Magnetic activity of radio stars based on TESS and LAMOST surveys,2024,A&A,686,164

[7.]   Yin Dejiang., Zhang Liyun*., Li Baoda., Li Minghui., Qian Lei*., Pan Zhichen*., The Analyses of Globular Cluster Pulsars and Their Detection Efficiency, 2023, RAA, 23, 055012(6)

[8.]   Su Tianhao., Zhang liyun*., et al., Observation and Data Reduction of the Brown Dwarf 2MASSW J0746425 + 200032 by Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, 2023,Universe, 9, 360

[9.]   Zhang liyun., Su Tianhao, Misra Prabhakar, Han, Xianming , Meng Gang, Pi Qingfeng, and Yang Jiawei., Stellar Parameters and Spectroscopic Properties of TESS Objects Observed in the LAMOST Low- and Medium-resolution Spectral Survey, ApJS, 2023, 264, 17(20)

[10.]     Yang Zilu, Zhang liyun*., Meng Gang., Han Xianming, Misra Prabhakar, Yang Jiawei., Pi Qingfeng, Properties of flare events based on the light curve of TESS survey, 2023, A&A, 669, A15(20)

[11.]     Su Tianhao, Zhang liyun*., Long Liu, L. Han, Xianming , Misra Prabhakar, Meng Gang, Pi Qingfeng, Yang ZiLu, and Yang Jiawei., 2022, Magnetic Activity and Physical Parameters of Exoplanet Host Stars Based on LAMOST DR7, TESS, Kepler, and K2 Surveys, ApJS, 2022, 261, 26(20)

[12.]     Zhang liyun., Meng Gang.,Long Liu., et al., Chromospheric Activity of M Stars based on LAMOST Low- and Medium-resolution Spectral Surveys., 2021, ApJS., 253, 19

[13.]     Long Liu., Zhang liyun*., Bi ShaoLan et al., Chromospheric Activity of Periodic Variable Stars Based on the LAMOST Low- and Medium-resolution Spectral Survey., 2021, ApJS, 253, 51 (21)

[14.]     Meng Gang., Zhang Liyun*., Han xiangming., Prabhakar Misra., Lu Hongpeng., Pi Qingfeng., Long Liu, Cheng Yao., Wang Shuai., Photometric studies of five eclipsing binaries: RS Ser, V0449 Per, MR Del, V593 Cen, and V1095 Her., 2021, MNRAS, 503, 324-335

[15.]     Lu Hongpeng., Christoffer Karoff., Zhang liyun*, Magnetic activity and age estimation of red giants using neural networks2021MNRAS, 2021,505,2124

[16.]     Lu Hongpeng., Zhang liyun*., Michel Raul., Han Xianming., Magnetic Activity and Period Variation Studies of the Four W Uma-type Eclipsing Binaries: UV Lyn, V781 Tau, NSVS 4484038, and 2MASS J15471055+5302107, APJ, 2020, 901,169

[17.]     Zhang , Liyun, Liu Long, Jianrong Shi, Hong-Peng Lu, Qi Gao, Xianming L. Han, Haifeng WangMisra Prabhakar, and LAMOST MRS CollaborationMagnetic activity based on LAMOST medium-resolution spectra and Kepler survey, 2020MNRAS495, 1252-1270

[18.]     Zhang , Liyun., Zhu, ZhongZhong., Yue, Qiang., Rachel Terheide, Han, Xianming L. Long, Liu Lu, Hongpeng Pi Qingfeng and Jiang,Linyan , Spectroscopic and photometric studies of fourW UMa-type eclipsingbinaries – II2020,MNRAS, 491, 6065–6076

[19.]     Pi qingfeng Zhang liyun* et a., Magnetic Activity and Orbital Period Study for the Short-period RS CVn–type Eclipsing Binary DV Psc2019, ApJ, 877, 75

[20.]     Liu Long, Li-Yun Zhang*, Xianming L. Han, et a., Spectroscopic and photometric studies of four W UMa-type eclipsing Binaries, MNRAS, 20194875520

[21.]     Cheng Yao., Zhang liyun*, Han Xianming., et al., Photometric and Spectroscopic Studies of V582 Lyr and V1016 Oph,2019,AJ,158,193(12)

[22.]     Lu Hongpeng., Zhang Liyun*., Shi Jianrong., et al., Magnetic Activities of M-type Stars Based on LAMOST DR5 and Kepler and K2 Missions, ApJS, 2019, 243, 28(20)

[23.]     Liu Long, Li-Yun Zhang*, Xianming L. Han, Hong-Peng Lu, Qing-feng Pi, Qiang Yue., Photometric and spectroscopic studies of four new low-mass M-type eclipsing binaries, 2018,AJ,156, 220

[24.]     Lu Hong-peng, Messia, A., Zhang Liyun*., et al., Magnetic activity and period variation studies of the short-period eclipsing binaries. III V1175 Her, NSVS 2669503 and 1SWASP J133417.80+394314.4, 2018, AJ, 156, 88

[25.]     Zhang Liyun., Lu Hongpeng., Han L. Xianming., Linyan Jiang, Zhongmu Li, Yong Zhang,Yonghui Hou, Yuefei Wang, Zihuang Cao. Chromospheric activity of periodic variable stars (including eclipsing binaries) observed in DR2 LAMOST stellar spectral survey, 2018, NewA,61,36

[26.]     Zhang, Li-Yun; Pi, Qing-Feng; L. Han Xianming; Chang Liang; Wang Daimei., Chromospheric activity on late-type star DM UMa using high resolution spectroscopic observations,Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016,459,854

[27.]     Zhang, Li-Yun; Pi, Qing-Feng; Yang, Yuan-Gui. Magnetic activity and orbital periods of five low-mass eclipsing binaries[J]. 2014, MNRAS20144222620-2636

[28.]     Zhang Liyun*Yang YuanGui, Pi QingfengZhu ZhongzhongPhotometric properties for selected Algol-type binaries VII V404 And with magnetic activityAJ, 147, 366(9) 2014

[29.]     Pi Qingfeng, Zhang Liyun*Li Zhongmu, Zhang XiliangMagnetic activity and orbital period variation of the short period eclipsing binary DV pscAJ, 147, 350 (12Page) 2014

[30.]     Zhang, Li-yun & Gu,Sheng-hong., 2008, Chromospheric activity on the RS Canum Venaticorum binary SZ Piscium, A&A, 487,  2,  P. 709-716

[31.]     Zhang, Li-yun & Gu,Sheng-Hong., 2007, Photometric study of the short-period RS Canum Venaticorum binary RT Andromedae, A&A, 471, 1, P.219-226

Version date: August 2024