Liu Yanhui

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-08-25Number of visits:32

Name: Liu Yanhui             

Title:   Professor

Office: Boxue   Building 426-1

Phone: 15286040904


Research Areas: Soft condensed matter   physics, single molecule biophysics

Recruitment Focus: Condensed matter physics

Personal Profile

Dr. Liu Yanhui, a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the College of Physics, Guizhou University, primarily engages in research on soft condensed matter physics and single-molecule biophysics. Dr. Liu has led five projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and has published nearly 40 SCI papers in journals such as PRE and Physica A. He has been selected for the West Light program by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and the National Public Study Abroad Program. Dr. Liu has received the Youth Science and Technology Award of Guizhou Province. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, he was honored as an Outstanding Communist Party Member by both the Education Working Committee of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and Guizhou University. Additionally, he has been recognized as a Teaching Master of Guizhou University and an Excellent Class Advisor at Guizhou University. Currently, he is the head of the provincial-level Golden Course (First-Class Course) Thermal Physics and a supervisor of excellent Master's Theses of Guizhou Province.

Academic Background

Ø  1999/07 - 2003/06, Liaoning University, Bachelor in Physics;

Ø  2003/09 - 2006/07, Guizhou University, Master in Theoretical Physics, Advisor: Professor Hu Lin;

Ø  2004/06 - 2006/07, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Joint Master's Program, Advisors: Academician Ouyang Zhongcan and Professor Hu Lin;

Ø  2006/07 - 2009/07, Guizhou University, PhD in Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics, Advisors: Professor Hu Lin and Academician Ouyang Zhongcan;

Ø  2006/07 - 2008/12, National University of Singapore, Department of Physics, Joint PhD Program, Advisor: Professor Yan Jie;

Ø  2011/10 - 2012/12, Key Laboratory of Biorheological Science and Technology (Ministry of Education), Chongqing University, Visiting Scholar, Collaborative Advisor: Professor Deng Linhong;

Ø  2015/08 - 2016/10, College of Physics and Science Technology, Xiamen University, Western Light program by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, Visiting Scholar, Collaborative Advisor: Professor Chen Hu;

Ø  2018/02-2019/02, National University of Singapore, Department of Physics, Government

-sponsored Study Abroad Program, Visiting Scholar, Collaborative Advisor: Professor Yan Jie;

Ø  2009/07-2014/12, Guizhou University, School of Science, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor;

Ø  2015/01- Present, Guizhou University, School of Physics, Professor, Master Supervisor;

Ø  2021/07- Present, Guizhou University, School of Physics, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor.

Academic Achievements

1. Research Projects:

Ø  Study on the Single Molecule Effects of Macromolecular Crowding on DNA Stability, National Natural Science Foundation, 2022/01- 2025/12, Principal Investigator.

Ø  Single Molecule Studies on the Mechanism of Fluorine Poisoning, National Natural Science Foundation, 2019 /01- 2022/12, Principal Investigator.

Ø  Study on the Selective Mechanism of Protein Corona Size during the Endocytosis Process of Nanomedicine Particles, National Natural Science Foundation, 2015/01-2018/12, Principal Investigator.

Ø  Study on the Effects of Ionic Concentration and Temperature during DNA Aggregation, National Natural Science Foundation (Youth Fund), 2013/01-2015/12, Principal Investigator.

Ø  Study on Polyelectrolyte Aggregation and Charge Reversal Mechanisms, National Natural Science Foundation, 2015/01-2013/12, Principal Investigator.

Ø  Single Molecule Detection and Theoretical Studies of Exclusion Effects, Key Cultivation Project of Guizhou University, 2018/12 -2020/12.

Ø  Single Molecule Studies on the Effects of Biomolecular Crowding on DNA Stability, Key Laboratory Open Project of the Ministry of Education, 2020/01-2022/10.

Ø  Single Molecule Detection and Theoretical Studies on Macromolecular Crowding Effects, Guizhou Provincial Graduate Research Fund, 2022/03- 2023/03.

2. Teaching Reform Projects:

Ø  Guizhou University Provincial Level Undergraduate Teaching Content and Curriculum System Reform Project: Ideological and Political Education Content and Curriculum System Reform for the Thermodynamics Course, Project Leader, 2021/09- 2023/09.

Ø  Guizhou University Higher Education Research Project: Reform and Practice of Teaching Content and Teaching Mode for Thermodynamics under the New Engineering Education Framework, Project Leader, 2022-2024.

Ø  University Basic Physics Tutorial, Co-Editor, published by Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2019.

Ø  Guizhou University School-Level Ideological and Political Demonstration Course Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Project Leader, 2024.

Ø  Ministry of Education's Second Batch of New Engineering Research and Practice Projects: Innovation and Practice of Blended Teaching Methods for University Physics Courses under the New Engineering and New Agricultural Sciences Framework, Sub-project Leader, 2020 - 2023.

Honors Received

Ø  Guizhou Provincial Young Science and Technology Award;

Ø  Outstanding Member Awarded by the Education Working Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee;

Ø  Outstanding Member of Guizhou University;

Ø  Guohua Award from Guizhou University;

Ø  Distinguished Teacher of Guizhou University;

Ø  Outstanding Class Advisor at Guizhou University;

Ø  Excellence Funding Young Teacher Award from Guizhou University;

Ø  Leader of the Provincial Golden Course (First-Class Course) in Guizhou;

Ø  National First-Class Course University Physics, third co-author;

Ø  First Prize in Undergraduate Teaching Achievement at Guizhou University, second co-author;

Ø  Academic Backbone at Guizhou University;

Ø  Third Prize of the 10th Guizhou Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award, second co-author.

Community Service

Ø  Member of the Single Molecule Professional Committee of the Biophysical Society of China;

Ø  Member of the National Committee on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems;

Ø  Member of the 9th Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Association for Science and Technology;

Ø  Member of the Agriculture and Forestry Professional Committee of the Ministry of Education's College Physics Teaching Guidance Committee;

Ø  Member of the Southwest Regional Working Committee of the Ministry of Education's College Physics Teaching Guidance Committee;

Ø  Corresponding Review Expert for the National Natural Science Foundation;

Ø  Corresponding Review Expert for the Ministry of Education Degree Center;

Ø  Corresponding Review Expert for the China Scholarship Council;

Ø  Corresponding Review Expert for Talent Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology.


Representative Publications

Ø  Biophysics: Energy, Information, Life, Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House, translation (responsible for one chapter), 2006.

Ø  China's Discipline Development Strategy: Soft Condensed Matter Physics (Chapter 7), Science Press, 2020.

Ø  Diffusion of Nanochannel-Confined Knot along a Tensioned Polymer, Communication in Theoretical Physics, 2024, Q3.

Ø  Quantification of Macromolecule Crowding at Single-Molecule Level, Physical Review E, 2023, Q3.

Ø  Stability of DNA and RNA Hairpins: A Comparative Study Based on Ox-DNA, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2023, Q3.

Ø  A Common Rule for the Intermediate State Caused by DNA Mismatch in Single-Molecule Experiments, Communication in Theoretical Physics, 2023, Q3, editor suggestion.

Ø  Phase Transition of DNA Knotting in Spherical Space, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2022, Q3 .

Ø  Quantify the Combined Effects of Temperature and Force on the Stability of DNA Hairpin, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, Q3.

Ø  Zeta Potentials of Fluoride Anion Result in the Instability of DNA Hairpin, European Physics Letters, 2021, Q3.

Ø  Phase Transition of DNA Compaction in Confined Space: Effects of Macromolecular Crowding are Dominant, Chinese Physics B, 2020, Q3.

Ø  Complex Phase Transition of DNA Condensation under Crowding Confinement Conditions, Physica A, 2018, Q2.

Ø  Effect of Fluoride Ion on the Stability of DNA Hairpin, Chemical Physics Letters, 2017, Q4.

Ø  Effect of Temperature on DNA Condensation at Single Molecule Level, Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, Q4.

Ø  Effect of Temperature on Topological States of Circular DNA, Communication in Theoretical Physics, 2017, Q3.

Ø  Enhanced Effect of Dimension of Receptor-Ligand Complex and Depletion Effect on Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis of Nanoparticles, Chinese Physics B, 2017, Q3.

Ø  Optimal Aspect Ratio of Endocytosed Spherocylindrical Nanoparticle, Frontiers of Physics, 2015, Q2.

Ø  Dimensions of Receptor-Ligand Complex and the Optimal Radius of Endocytosed Virus-Like Particle, Frontiers of Physics, 2014, Q2.

Ø  DNA Condensation and Size Effects of DNA Condensation Agent, Frontiers of Physics, 2013, Q2.

Ø  A Solution to a Single Molecular Experiment Problem, Communications in Computational Physics, 2009, Q3.

Temperature Dependence of Circular DNA Topological States, Physical Review E, 2009, Q3.