Yuegang Chen

Publisher:物理学院Release time:2024-08-23Number of visits:33

NameYuegang Chen               

Title:   Professor

OfficeBoxuelou 1007



Research field: Surface plasmon polaritons

Enrollment direction: Optics

Personal Profile

Yuegang Chen was born in Xingyi, Guizhou in June 1978. I graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a PhD in Optics and started teaching at Guizhou University in 2007. I mainly teach college physics and optics courses, and research the surface plasmon polaritons. I have completed two projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Academic Background

2015-01 to Now, Guizhou University, School of Physics, Professor

2007-07 to 2015-12, Guizhou University, School of physics, Associate professor

2004-09 to 2007-07, Harbin Institute of Technology, Optics, PhD

2002-09 to 2004-07, Harbin Institute of Technology, Optics, Master

1998-09 to 2002-07, Harbin Institute of Technology, Applied Physics, bachelor

Academic Achievements


Representative Publications

1.         Yang, Han; Chen, Yue-Gang; Subnanometer-resolution nanoparticle sensing through the strong coupling between surface plasmon polaritons whispering gallery resonances and localized surface plasmon, Photonics, 2023, 10: 212

2.         Liu, Hong-Xia; Chen, Yue-Gang; Localized surface plasmon induced transparency and

spatial resolution enhancement of nanosensors, Physica Scripta, 2021, 96(12): 0-125622

3.         Ping-Bo, Fu; Yue-Gang, Chen; Mode splitting and multiple-wavelength managements of

surface plasmon polaritons in coupled cavities, Chinese Physics B, 2021, 31(1): 0-014216

4.         Jiang, Jia-Xin; Chen, Yue-Gang ; Generating Surface Plasmon Polariton Airy Beam with Dielectric Relief Holographical Structures, Plasmonics, 2020, 15(6): 1683-1688

5.         Chen, Yue-Gang; Yang, Feng-Ying; Liu, Ju; Li, Zhi-Yuan ; Broadband focusing and demultiplexing of surface plasmon polaritons on metal surface by holographic groove patterns, Optics Express, 2014, 22(12): 14727-14737

6.         Chen, Yue-Gang; Chen, Yu-Hui; Li, Zhi-Yuan; Direct method to control surface plasmon polaritons on metal surfaces, Optics Letters, 2014, 39(2): 339-342